>>>>> "Kent" == Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Kent> A better way, is to disable xdm/gdm/kdm/wdm, then
    Kent> reboot. When you get logged in, you can then Shift-PgUp
    Kent> through the error messages.

That's correct so far.

    Kent> (For some reason, xdm/gdm/kdm/wdm seems to clear out the
    Kent> Shift-PgUp history, so this method doesn't work if one of
    Kent> them is installed. Again, I'm not sure which one(s) cause
    Kent> this behaviour;

None of xdm/gdm/kdm/wdm/login.app/what-have-you-dm clear the

The Shift-PgUp accesses the scrollback buffer of Linux' virtual
consoles.  Unfortunately, this buffer is erased when you switch vts
(one for all, it seems).

Now X is a separate vt (default is vt7, I have X on vt12).  So, when
the display manager switches to X, it switches vts (from vt1 to vt7),
thus erasing the scrollback buffer of vt1.

Yes, I wish someone would implement separate scrollback buffers (have
been bitten by that time and again).

Bye, J

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