>>>>> "Sebastiaan" == Sebastiaan  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Sebastiaan> We did not ask for a broken OS either, and yet they
    Sebastiaan> made it. We did not ask for a securityless OS, yet
    Sebastiaan> they made it. They have money, they can push.

That's true but by replacing TCP/IS wit TCP/MS Microsoft would be
shooting themselves in the foot as it would make all MS systems
incompatible with (and therefore unable to communicate with) the
backbones of the Internet, pushing Cisco around is different from
ramming a 2nd 3rd 4th ... rate OS down the throats of unsuspecting

Mind you I wouldn't complain if they did, picture an Internet with out
E-Mail viruses (Mmmm), IIS bugs (Ooooh), hotmail spam(OOOh, yeah) , M$
advocates trolling usenet (Yes Yes YES), IE only web pages ( ah ah
ah), MSN censored news (YYYEEEESS, phew any one got a Ciggy ??


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