On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 04:57:58PM +1000, Craig W wrote:
> This may sound really stupid, however I cannot seem to locate anything about
> it anywhere.
> When I view the messages log file it is full of --MARK-- , what does this
> mean?

Anywhere?  Try man syslogd:

       -m interval
              The syslogd logs a mark timestamp  regularly.   The
              default interval between two -- MARK -- lines is 20
              minutes.  This can be  changed  with  this  option.
              Setting the interval to zero turns it off entirely.

Calling this a timestamp is slightly inaccurate, in that logs are only
MARKed when the interval passes without anything being written to the log.
The reason you don't see this on RH boxes is that they use messages
as their generic catch-all log, so it's never quiet for 20 minutes.
Debian hardly uses messages at all and instead dumps everything into

> Also any ideas on why I have ssh running & can log in from my internal
> network, I have allowed the IP range from work access, I can scan the box
> from work & it reports that the ports I have open are definitely open, yet I
> cannot connect

ping, traceroute, ssh -v, and check syslog on your home machine.
sshd is usually pretty good about logging the reason why it's refusing a
connection attempt.  It could also be tcpwrappers refusing the connection
before ssh/apache sees it, and it's decent with its logging as well,
though it tends to just log the refusal and not the reason.  Oh, also,
if your usernames are different, don't forget to use ssh -l <user>.

With the arrest of Dimitry Sklyarov it has become apparent that it is not
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