On Sat, 11 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> Sort of a vague-y question here ... I'm getting back down into my system
> after being, uh, -laid off- on Wednesday, so I have time to play.
> I'm wondering about techniques for system optimization. "df" reports that
> I am at 53% usage, which seems really high to me, even given that I
> recently partitioned the HD in two so that I could have FreeBSD running on
> my machine as well (which would of course have doubled the value reported
> by df).
> There are roughly 15GB on the Debian side of things, which - okay - ain't
> the biggest space in the world anymore, but should be -plenty.- I didn't
> think I had enough candy installed to occupy over half that space ... so
> I'm wondering where crud might have a tendency to build up on a Debian
> install, how to find it and what the easiest way might be to get rid of it
> is.
> The real impetus for this is that I've heard, anyway, that unauthorized
> users can figure out ways to use one's unused HD space to store their
> warez, or what have you, and I sure wouldn't like it if that was what was
> going on here ...
> Anyhoo, sorry if this is unfocused and thanks in advance for any pointers
> on housecleaning.

if you have installed midnight commander, type 'mc' in console that will pop
out a menu .. switch over to 'Command' and hit enter on 'show directory sizes'

if you do this in / it will show you exactly how much disk space which
directory occupies.

there are other ways to do it, but this one is probably the simplest one, and
you can see nice tree of dirs :)


                                   ' '(>~<)' '
    Petr [Dingo] Dvorak                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Coder - Purple Dragon MUD                       pdragon.org port 3333
   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 369D93 ]=-=-
        Debian version 2.2.19, up 4:33, 6 users, load average: 0.91

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