on Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 01:58:54PM -0400, Jason Truman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Hello everyone, I'm new to the list and I'm starting off with a quick 
> question.
> My web host (www.f2s.com) runs Debian Linux as their main operating
> system.  It is my understanding that image magick is included as one
> of the graphics packages.  I'd like to be able to use image magick
> because I have a photo gallery on my site which utilizes thumbnails.
> I figure I could use the "convert" utility within image magick to do
> some automatic thumbnail generation.  My problem is, I have no clue as
> to what the path to image magick is...  I'm assuming there is a
> default path, and I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me as to
> what that default path might be?

    $ which convert

...does your ISP have package imagemagick installed?

    $ dpkg -s imagemagick

...which can be run as an unprivileged user.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>          http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!    http://www.freesklyarov.org
Geek for Hire                        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/resume.html

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