#include <hallo.h>
Severin Olloz wrote on Tue Aug 14, 2001 um 12:58:01PM:

> I have update my debian server and there's a problem with the glibc  2.2.3-10 
> package!

Speak after me: 
Unstable is unstable is unstable is unstable...
I have to read debian-devel, I have to read debian-devel...

> Somebody knows about a new bugfix package?

http://auric.debian.org/~bcollins/libc6_2.2.3-10.0.1_i386.deb or wait
for a fixed version (-11).

 /"We are M$ of Borg. We will add your technology to our own crap. /
/Your company will be bought. Open Source is futile!"             / 

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