Robert Waldner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just recently switched to fvwm2 on some (slooow) box of mine.
> But now I cannot figure out how to disable[0] switching of virtual
>  screens when the mousepointer lingers on the edge...
> Just a pointer to the right keyword for grepping the docs, someone?

Change the line:

EdgeScroll 100 100


EdgeScroll 0 0

in your .fvwm2rc file, or add the line

EdgeScroll 0 0

to your post.hook file.

I found that "feature to be somewhat annoying, as well.  This fix should
still allow the keyboard method of changing virtual screens, as well as
dragging a window from one virtual screen to another.


Marc Shapiro                         "If you drink melomel every day,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    you will live to be 150 years old,
Please visit "The Meadery" at:       unless your wife shoots you."   -- Dr. Ferenc Androczi, winemaker,
                                     Little Hungary Farm Winery

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