Subject: 8003EP nic installation woes...
        Date: Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 04:19:19PM -0500


> Greetings;
> I have a 8003EP nic in a 32MB/3GB 486/50.  I have the base system installed
> via floppy (no cd).  I *could* install more of Debian via ppp.  But since
> I have access to a T1+ line I'd much prefer to install via the network.
> But I can't get the dang-blamed card configured.

I just checked a potato and a woody box, both using a 2.4.[7-8]
kernels.  I can't find the 8003EP listed.  I don't have any boxen
running a 2.2.x kernel so I can't check there.  

You did check the hardware compatability list before you bought 
that card, right?

Can you search the net ( and see if it might use another
driver?  I have a bunch that use the ne2000 driver, might try that.

Sorry I couldn't be of mor help.

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