>>>>> "Dimitri" == Dimitri Maziuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Dimitri> * Craig Dickson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:

    >> I don't see how. I see it as a legitimate compiler
    >> optimization. If you have "double f = 4;", and you compile 4 as
    >> a double-precision value rather than as an int (which would
    >> then require an immediate conversion), how could that possibly
    >> break a program?

    Dimitri> Very simple: double f = 4 may be converted to
    Dimitri> eg. 4.000000000000000001234,

No way in hell.  As double has a 50+ bit mantissa, all ints smaller
than this (typical 4 byte long int) can be converted without loss.
(IEEE 754 53 bits mantissa, 10 bits exponent, 1 bit sign... IIRC)

Yes, I'm nitpicking, why do you ask?

    Dimitri> and any test for (sqrt(f) == 2.0) will fail. Of course if
    Dimitri> your (generic "you", not personal) code is like that, you
    Dimitri> probably shouldn't be playing with floats.

<sound of hammer hitting end of nail>

"playing with floats"... nice turn of phrase ;-)

    Dimitri> Besides, given the choice between specifying something
    Dimitri> explicitly and trusting a compiler to figure it out for
    Dimitri> me, guess what I choose?

Well... <plug type="stupid">then you probably like Python, as one of
it's (inofficial) mottos is "explicit is better than implicit"</plug>

Bye, J

      Jürgen A. Erhard  ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED])
          My WebHome: http://members.tripod.com/Juergen_Erhard
             Give a man fire and he will be warm for a day.
    Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

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