Herbert Xu wrote:

>On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 09:11:04PM -0400, Jerome Acks Jr wrote:
>>I tried the -386 kernel package. I no longer get "cramfs: wrong magic".
>Please give 2.4.8 a go.
I tried kernel-image-2.4.8-386_2.4.8-1.deb. I get same result as with
2.4.7-386 kernel. The boot hangs at or right after the partition check.
Once in a while, bootup messages give one additional line: "INIT:
version 2.78 booting"

The boot looks like it always hangs during or right after the partition
check of my second hard drive which is where all my linux partitions
are. I guess that may mean that probing the ide drives may be causing
some sort of problem.

In one of your earlier messages, you mentioned turning off DMA. I've
done some searching with google, looked at documentation for kernel and
lilo, and I'm not quite sure how to do that. Would I need to intall
hwtools and hdparm and put put add an hdparm line into
/etc/init.d/whtools? Or is there a way to do this passing parameters
through lilo at boot?

I'll be out of town the next five days, and won't be able to do any
thing else on this until next week.

Thanks for the suggestions and help.


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