On Fri, 17 Aug 2001 00:39:12 +0200, Eduard Bloch writes:
>Robert Waldner wrote on Fri Aug 17, 2001 um 12:09:33AM:
>> You got the bit about "slow hardware", didn´t you? And when I say 
>The mail was not intended for you only. 

Yes, I got that. I mentioned it even. But something along the lines of 
 "ignored Reply-To ´cause of"  would´ve been nice.

>OTOH, many graphic software is
>very slow on a average box, while the power of the graphic card (eg.
>Matrox and Nvidia ones) is not used and all calculations has to be done
>in the hardware. There are also other tricks that Evas uses, making it a
>good choice when looking for good performance.

That may be. On faster boxen.

>>  "slow" I mean *slow*, in my case it´s a Pentium 166 *down*clocked to 50 
>>  MHz (25 MHZ PCI-clock * 2). There is no such thing as "hardware 
>>  acceleration" in "slow" machines...
>For passive cooling, right? I considered to tune my old machine too -
>K6-2-400, downclocked to 166Mhz or so, no harddisks, low-powered cooler
>where possible... would be nice for my ears.

The reason here is that the box runs 24/7/365 and it´s on my 
 electric-power-bill. Not to mention that I don´t need any other heating 
 in winter in that room (and winter ´round here means down to -15 - -25 

And, please!, don´t cc me on list-mail, I read all the lists I post/mail
 to et al, see
 and follow-up´s/links...

&r<reply-to set, another try>w
-- It isn't easy being a Friday kind of person in a Monday kind of world.
-- - Alan Shutko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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