On 16 Aug 2001 19:24:21 -0400, Bob Koss wrote:
> >>>>> "Michael" == Michael Heldebrant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Michael> On 16 Aug 2001 15:19:55 -0400, Bob Koss wrote:
>     >> >>>>> "Michael" == Michael Heldebrant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     >> writes:
>     >> 
>     >> 
>     Michael> Try logging out and logging back in.
>     >>  Didn't work. But while I was at the non-X bash prompt, I tried
>     >> firing up mpg123 and that gave a better error message. The
>     >> problem is /dev/dsp.
>     >> 
>     >> 
>     >> rskoss is in group audio and /dev/dsp has rw set for group
>     >> audio.
>     Michael> Hmmmm.  What does /proc/modules show?  Does /dev/sndstat
>     Michael> or /proc/sound give any usefull info?  What type of
>     Michael> soundcard do you have?  Is an esd process running at the
>     Michael> moment which will have grabbed the soundcard?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /proc/modules
> 3c59x                  25760   1
> sb                      7392   1
> sb_lib                 34544   0 [sb]
> uart401                 6416   0 [sb_lib]
> sound                  58576   1 [sb_lib uart401]
> Neither /dev/sndstat nor /proc/sound are present on my system.

Well, I'm almost at the end of what I know how to fix.  The last thing
would be that /dev/dsp is not a character device.  ls -al should be 14,
3 char for /dev/dsp.  After that I think it must be a soundcard issue.
Is this an sb live or something?


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