On 16 Aug 2001 19:38:33 -0400, dman wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 04:11:48PM -0700, Jaye Inabnit ke6sls wrote:
> | I just carried over another windoz desktop (wife sure liked seeing this!) 
> and 
> | fired up win98. The NIC on this box is part of my lan so I removed the lan 
> | settings from the nic and set them up as I did on the lap top. Without 
> | shutting off the cable modem, I was able to gain my ip and was on the net 
> | with it. 
> | 
> | I will 'assume' this means the MAC isn't an issue - that the cablemodem and 
> | @home dont care about the nic in use. So, this means that I can get two 
> | differnt windoz boxes to work but sadly, not debian at this point.
> At least you aren't pulling your hair out while it is the ISP's fault :-).
> | I am lost in this netherworld at this point.
> I noticed you were using pump to try and get the dynamic IP, etc.  How
> about trying dhcpcd?  I haven't used pump myself, but dhcpcd is
> working well on my ADSL connection.

I may also go back to dhcpd from pump since pump seems unable to ever
renew it's lease.  Every six days I fall off the net because of what I
think now is pump.  I'd give it a shot.


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