>>>>> "Curtis" == Curtis Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Curtis> When I recompiled the kernel for one server, dhcpd would not
Curtis> work. According to the error I didn't compile the kernel for
Curtis> certain aspects of dhcpd. However, when I went through all the
Curtis> configuration items in menuconfig I couldn't find what it seemed
Curtis> to be requiring.  What in fact do I need to check for?

The option is CONFIG_FILTER, which in menuconfig is something like
socket filtering.  On my (sid) system, that information can be found in
/usr/share/doc/dhcp3-client/README.Debian.  I'm sure that on Woody,
there's a similar file.

BTW, when compiling your kernel, it's generally a good idea to start off
with the configuration that's found in /boot/config-<old kernel version>.
Then just turn off any options that you know for sure you don't need,
and turn on options that you know you need.

Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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