On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, dman wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 07:16:29AM +1000, Serge Rey wrote:
> | for the benefit of future users who may run into the same issue you did,
> | could you tell us what did you uninstall and reinstall?
>     # apt-get remove --purge <package name>
>     # apt-get install <package name>

This is basically what I did, except using dselect. Not sure why it
fixed my problem though. Maybe I screwed up one of my config files the
first time around. Oh well, all is happy now, and I got LiVid to work
nicely so it's time to try out some DVDs. :-) 

AIM: TBarik  ICQ: 1604453

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