To add to the previous message about needing the newer version of
modutils with a 2.4.x kernel.....

If you're running potato (stable), you'll need to go here to find that
deb package along with some others you'll need:

As far as other software packages that need to be upgraded to run 2.4.x,
the following excerpt is taken from the Changes file in the kernel's

Current Minimal Requirements

Upgrade to at *least* these software revisions before thinking you've
encountered a bug!  If you're unsure what version you're currently
running, the suggested command should tell you.

Again, keep in mind that this list assumes you are already
functionally running a Linux 2.2 kernel.  Also, not all tools are
necessary on all systems; obviously, if you don't have any PCMCIA (PC
Card) hardware, for example, you probably needn't concern yourself
with pcmcia-cs.

o  Gnu C                  2.91.66                 # gcc --version
o  Gnu make               3.77                    # make --version
o  binutils                   # ld -v
o  util-linux             2.10o                   # fdformat --version
o  modutils               2.4.2                   # insmod -V
o  e2fsprogs              1.19                    # tune2fs
o  reiserfsprogs          3.x.0j                  # reiserfsck 2>&1|grep
o  pcmcia-cs              3.1.21                  # cardmgr -V
o  PPP                    2.4.0                   # pppd --version
o  isdn4k-utils           3.1pre1                 # isdnctrl 2>&1|grep


Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
> Recently, I upgrade my kernel to 2.4.8 from a 2.2 kernel.  During the
> process, my modutils files got overwritten by clean copies, losing all my
> hardware configurations.  I unwisely did not make a backup of /etc before
> doing this.
> My question is, is it possible to re-detect all my hardware and generate a
> new set of modutils files?  Since the install program correctly identified
> my hardware, I must assume there is some way to generate this data.  The
> reason I ask, is that the server is across town and I don't want to have to
> go over there to check what hardware is inside just to configure it.
> Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

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