Please excuse me if this is slightly OT, but it's important stuff!!

I went to Linus' book-signing in Stockholm yesterday and finally
got to meet our hero in person.

The event was organized as a kind of "press conference", where the
"press" were the people waiting to buy a signed copy of the book.
My guess, from looking at the number of "got root?" t-shirts versus
the rest, is that of about 200 people present, less than half were
actual Linux enthusiasts, the rest being those merely interested in
the Linux phenomenon, and/or waiting to meet Linus.

We got the chance to ask Linus some questions, but as soon as people
started to get technical he asked us to tone it down to a more
general level. So I asked him the question I posed here back in
January (with no response): "When exactly is Linux's 10th birthday?"

Linus thought for a moment, then said "Well it depends who you ask:
My first posting to comp.os.minix, when I announced that I was
working on Linux, was on August 25th, but the first time I made the
souce code available for version 0.01 was September 17th. I would
say, if you want to be really certain, you should party on both

So it sound as if Linux, like the Queen of England, has two
birthdays. Linus apparently has no strong feelings about which
is the "official" one, so... Party, Party!

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
"Linux - the choice of a GNU generation!"

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