* Cameron Matheson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm trying to get this cursed Voodoo 3 3000 working in Woody, but it
> doesn't seem to want to.  I've installed the following packages:
> mesag-glide2
> glutg3
> libglide2
> libglide3  // i installed this after libglide2 didn't work alone
> I'm using X4.0.3.  I have DRI, AGP, and tdfx all compiled into the
> kernel (2.4.9).
> When I type glxinfo, it says that DRI *is* enabled (i'll attach output
> from glxinfo and startx), but i have no acceleration, and GL programs
> run so slow it nearly kills me.
> Anyone know what might be wrong?

I use the voodoo 3 3000, and have had DRI working before under RH 7.1.
I'll see if I can get it up again (Check my notes, etc.)

Ok, tuxracer is accelerated.

First get rid of mesag-glide2 and libglide2.  Those are for XFree 3.3.x.
Second, make sure you have all the XFree86 4.x stuff installed, in par-
ticular xlibmesa3.  Third, check for any other mesa stuff, and get rid of it.  
XFree provides all the mesa you need.  Fourth, make sure that tdfx is
actually loaded (/usr/sbin/lsmod). 

Probably, since glxinfo claims dri is enabled, the extra mesa stuff is
intercepting calls.  I spent days finding that problem the last time.

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