Nathan Weston saw fit to inform me that: 
>  The hardest part may be ReiserFS... AFAIK debian won't do this during the 
>install... you will probably have to roll a custom kernel and migrate 
>partitions after installation. But don't take my word on this... hopefully 
>someone more knowledgeable will post on this issue.

I have compiled Kernels 2.4.7 - 2.4.9 with ext3 patch and converted my
exisiting ext2 partition to ext3 without any hicups. Using ext3 here at
home for the last 3 months without any problems.

I have written a mini-howto on this. Please have a look at

in case u are interested.

ext3 is quite sturdy. No problems for me till now. The best thing about
ext3 is that you can easily convert from ext2 to ext3 whereas for other
file sytems the procedure will be take backup of existing partitions,
recreate the partition / format the partition with reiserfs or JFS and than
restore the backup. ext2 to ext3 is cool.

Red hat guys seem to be coming up with their next release with ext3 file
system support. Still the ext3 patch is not put in the standard kernels.
Patch has to be separatly applied. I think shortly it will make its way in
the standard kernel as well.

My 2 cents on this.

Warm Regards

Rajesh Fowkar                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kurtarkar Nagari,Bldg-C,T4,
Santacruz,Ponda-Goa-403401-INDIA    Powered By : Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 R-3
                                    Kernel 2.4.9(ext3), Mutt 1.3.20i, IceWM
"Silence is the true friend that never betrays." - Confucious

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