eh. Maybe I should set mutt to set the Reply-to or whatever to the 
list... whoever that was may want to send that again to the list as 
I deleted it already. anyway, they mentioned using a C test program 
on assumedly a large file, and apparently fopen was failing with an 
error about large files not being supported. Checked some things; 
nothing on the fopen(3) manpage about large files, but open(2) has 
this (not sure it's relevant, but something to consider):
        On 32-bit systems that support the Large Files System, allow 
        files whose sizes cannot be represented in 31 bits to be opened.

OK. fopen() is the library call, and open() is the system (kernel) 
call, and I'm guessing the one calls the other. However, I have 
*no idea* how exactly any of this information relates to something 
practical. Any gurus out there? :)  I do have a hunch tho. It could 
just be a compiler option or something that's needed.

Mike McGuire

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