On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Vittorio wrote:

V> I use mutt with fetchmail to get loads of messages from the many lists
V> I'm subscribed to.
V> Now sometimes it happens that very long (say, exceeding 1,000,000
V> octets), unwanted messages slow down the download of 'wanted' messages.
V> My question is:
V> When using fetchmail how can I delete messages greater than a certain
V> size (say 100,000 octets) directly on the POP3 server avoiding that
V> slowdown?

       -l <maxbytes>, --limit <maxbytes>
              (Keyword:  limit)  Takes a maximum octet size arguĀ­
              ment.  Messages larger than this size will  not  be
              fetched,  not  be  marked seen, and will be left on
              the server (in foreground  sessions,  the  progress
              messages  will note that they are "oversized").  An
              explicit --limit of 0 overrides any limits  set  in
              your  run control file. This option is intended for
              those needing to strictly control fetch time due to
              expensive  and  variable  phone  rates.   In daemon
              mode, oversize  notifications  are  mailed  to  the
              calling  user  (see  the  --warnings option).  This
              option does not work with ETRN.

from fetchmail(1) manpage :)


                                   ' '(>~<)' '
    Petr [Dingo] Dvorak                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Coder - Purple Dragon MUD                       pdragon.org port 3333
   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 369D93 ]=-=-
     Debian version 2.2.19, up 1 day, 11 users, load average: 1.00

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