On Sat, 25 Aug 2001, Jason Majors wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 26, 2001 at 07:04:13AM +1000, Craig Holyoak scribbled...
> > Yes, I've thought about exim, and tried it once, but I could never get it
> > to masquerade messages properly (I want it to convert my internal address
> > - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - to my external address - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - but it
> > would never seem to do it properly. Granted this was a while ago. Does
> > anyone have any experience with this feature of exim working properly?
> >
> I do that kind of thing in my mutt From option:
> my_hdr from: Craig Holyoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes, I could do that, but I want a solution that is MUA independant - I
don't want everyone to have to use mutt.


Craig Holyoak

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