> >I do not know what a Cobalt RaQ
> www.cobalt.com
> Internet appliance based on mips architecture not Intel.  I have the 
> original versions which do not have floppy or CD.  The only way to install 
> is through netboot (bootp) and NFS mount yet I am not sure if the standard 
> Debian mips kernel will work.
> >Yet according to http://www.debian.org/releases/st
> >able/i386/ch-install-methods.en.html, after boot one can use NFS for the
> >installation. There fore, you might want to start from that doc.
> Thanks for the advice, I will see what I can pull from it.

Hm, the above link is concerned with i386.
Perhaps debian-mips@lists.debian.org will be more helpful?

> Thanks,


        Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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