On Mon, Aug 27, 2001 at 04:55:33PM -0600, John Galt wrote:
| On Sun, 26 Aug 2001, dman wrote:
| >On Mon, Aug 27, 2001 at 01:40:50AM +0200, David Jardine wrote:
| >| I was trying to remove the formatting mumbo-jumbo of a MS WordPad
| >| document in vi, but it segfaulted - repeatedly.  Is there a
| >| known reason for this?
| >
| >Uhh, vi is and copyrighted by AT&T and I don't think it is maintained
| >anymore.  You don't have it.  Now which vi *clone* do you have
| >installed?  nvi? elvis? vim?  I like vim the best -- it has a lot of
| >really useful features and is very stable, not to mention extremely
| >cross-platform.  Try 'antiword' though -- it is really cool at
| >rendering Word docs as plain text.
| Uhhh, no.  vi was written and copyrighted by UCB.  In fact, it was
| part of 2BSD, which also included termcap.

Well, I got the "copyrighted" part right, just not the owner.  

| http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/opensources/book/kirkmck.html

Interesting read.  I had read, quite a while ago, that Thompson's
sabbatical wsa in '70 and he rewrote Unix from scratch with Bil Joy.
This articles has a different recollection.


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