On Tue, Aug 28, 2001 at 11:53:00AM -0700, michael young wrote:
| I can see the default homepage in my linux machine thru
| http://localhost...but my windows internal network can't see
| it...when I trace localhost in my windows machine localhost is the
| windows machine itself!

That is what "localhost" means.  localhost refers to the local
machine, regardless of its hostname, domain name, and IP address(es).

| what am I doing wrong and if you can point me to some documentation
| that explains how to do this I'd really appreciate it...

 From the 'doze box you need to specify the linux box.  How you
specify it depends on several things :
    Do you have a DNS server?
    If not have you created a "hosts" file on the windows machine?

If the answer to either of these is "yes" then you can use the host
name you gave to your linux box.  If not, then you need to specify the
IP address of your linux box.


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