William Leese wrote:
> Oddly enough, at home I have debian unstable running on a machine with an
> Ati Rage Pro, which ofcourse is Mach64 based, _with_ the RENDER extension.
> Although before XFree86 4.1 there didn't seem to be support for it (atleast,
> i never got it work), but now RENDER simply works.
> Not that I use it though... because when i turn on anitaliasing in KDE only
> the ugliest fonts seem to be available to all X applications. I'd rather
> have everything in a good font (lucida, helvetica) than have to look at an
> ugly one that is antialiased.

Aren't True Type Fonts Antialiasable? If so, the msttcorefonts package
will (upon installation) log on to MS's web site and download all of the
free (as in beer) "Microsoft Core Fonts" including Arial, Comic Sans,
Times New Roman, Tahoma (my personal favortite) and Verdana.


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