On Tue, Aug 28, 2001 at 01:41:37PM +1000, Serge Rey wrote:
> ...
> i tried a reboot, to see if i could get into the windows partition but
> when  i selected that stanza in lilo, lilo hangs at "L?"
> (again, this used to work prior to this recent problem).
> i can boot into linux just fine.

That seems a bit odd... the lilo manual doesn't mention 
an L? error condition, and booting linux ok would imply 
that LILO loaded ok as well. Could be you've got something 
configured incorrectly or in some bizarre way.
> i'm thinking something got hozed on hda1 during my recent cdburning
> session? but i'm not sure how to proceed.  i was (perhaps stupidly)
> using the windows partition to store the images mastered under xcdroast
> - this seemed to cause no problems previously, but perhaps this is a
> possible source of my problem.

If you've got a windows bootdisk handy, and have DOS 
fdisk.exe, you can blow away LILO and reset to a DOS 
MBR. The command to do this is: FDISK /MBR . (That's 
assuming there isn't a backup from before using LILO.) 
Just make sure you still have a way to boot linux, 
like another bootfloppy.

Well, I'd suggest taking a good look at the LILO docs 
no matter what you do, and hope nothing got really 
b0rken. (And if all else fails, reinstalling windows 
is SOP anyway. ;)

Mike McGuire

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