I'm trying to recover some data off my old hard drive and am having some
problems with the mounting.

I use:

mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb4 /old_home

and that results in:

EXT2-fs: 03:44: couldn't mount because of unsupported option features.
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb4, or too many
mounted file systems.

hdb1 was the swap partition
hdb2 was the old root partion and that mounts with the same command just
hdb3 was partioned for FAT32 but I never even got around to formatting it,
let along installing Windows again

There are no other partions on the drive.

I'm 95% sure that it is not the wrong fs type, especially considering hdb2
is ext2. When looking at the partion list it is listed as Linux Native is
there any other fs types it could be.

Since I didn't add any options to the mount command I don't think it is a a
bad option, unless I'm leaving off an option that I need. Although no
options were needed for hdb2.

I'm afraid that it may be a bad superblock and I'm not entirely sure what a
superblock is. Is there any way that I can correct this (should it be the
problem) so that I can recover the data.

I have less than 5 fs's mounted so I don't think this is it. BTW, how many
fs's can be mounted.

Also: It is a 20GB drive in an old computer with a 60MHz Pentium. Could
there be a bios restriction for large hard drives that is preventing me from
accessing the partition.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


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