Jason Majors wrote: 
>I'd like to forward all requests on port 80 thru my firewall, however, I 
>VirtualHosts under apache.
>Is there a way to forward the port with the desired host name?
>Or can I do it based on the hostname desired? (eg forward a request to
>www.foo.com to port 81 and a request to www.bar.com to 82).
I think I figured it out...it's not the port issue. When I add a second
"NameVirtualHost foo" and "<VirtualHost foo>", I get the warning from
apache "[warn] NameVirtualHost tmr.whizzird.net:80 has no VirtualHosts",
so I'd guess that there's something in the order of the httpd.conf. When
this happens the special hosts entry I created goes back to the default
page for the server, but when there's only one VirtualHost, that hosts
entry goes to the VirtualHost.
I get the same warnings on the firewall, but virtual hosting works fine.

Does anybody have experience with multiple VirtualHost entries? Or know the
correct format?
I'm doing:
NameVirtualHost domainone
NameVirtualHost domaintwo
NameVirtualHost domainthree

<VirtualHost domainone>

<VirtualHost domaintwo>

<VirtualHost domainthree>


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