Martin F Krafft wrote:
> hi,
> i need to configure a computer such that when it boots, it starts the
> X server and then, as a regular user, starts an X application. i don't
> want any xdm login screen or anything.
> how can this be done in the best way?

  at the end of bootup process start X server and then the application,
or put your application into one of the X startup file (e.g.

  create a script /etc/inid.d/myXApplication (or choose another name):

startx -- :0 > startx.log&
myXApplication -display :0& # alternatively put this into X init files

  and then create links to it in appropriate rcN.d directories (N stands
for run level) using update-rc.d (see man update-rc.d)

  the example above is just a concept, see other scripts in /etc/inid.d
to see how to write a proper script (it should reposnd to start, stop

  I guess you also want to run X server and application as different
user (not root).

  also: make sure you disable xdm or other display managers, either
uninstall them (if they are installed) or disable them (again: man


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