On 2001.09.04 11:51 "LaGuardia, Kristofer S." wrote:

> Quick question, if I
> want to create a partition for /usr, how would I specify the partition is
> for /usr?  Is it a type?  Anyhow...

Hope i understand this question! What do you mean with specify a
partition? Ok. I think you like to know wheter there is a different
between a root and a /usr partition. The answer is no.

Only the swap partition is a special one. All others are ext2
partitions. This is the standart, like fat32 in windows. You can
have a lot of ext2 partitions on your Linux system. For best HD
performance you should have only the root ( / ) partition.

I don't know why it shold be good to have a seperate /usr partition
I only have some extra pertitions for software, that has nothing to
do with the Debian system like audio files and sources and other stuff, 
that i have to save on my HD for a little time. And i have a /home 
partition, cause i also here save a lot of own software like HTML 
sites for the web.

All this partitions you can initialize while installing Debian after
the part for partiton a HD. 
> I then get all the way to the step when it asks me to mount the swap, so I
> select the partition for swap...then the same for Linux...no problem.  I had
> set both as primary, but the non-swap partition as boot.  is that correct?

No! If you like to have only one ext2 partition, you have to set this
to / partition. This is the highest level of the Linux directory tree.
On this partition you can mount the /boot partition if nessessary. But
on the /boot partitin you can't install the Debian system that needs
the / partition as highest place. Both partitions as primary is ok.
Linux makes no differents between primary and extended. You can use
both possibilities.

> Or should Linux type be primary and the swap type to be logical?

Do it how you like!!

> Then it
> asks me if I want to install LILO to MBR or to the partition, right?  So I
> choose to the partition...then it asks me if I want to boot into Linux when
> I start the computer, and I say yes.  is this all correct for a dual boot?


First: For a dual boot you need to install LILO in the MBR of your first
hard disk. If you have your windows allready installed on your first HD,
you should change your disks if possible.

If your Windows goes to slave, you will have no big problems with 
installing LILO into MBR of your master hard disk cause it's a Linux
HD now.

If you then boot your Debian at first time, you will only have access
to your first hard disk. But this you can do, to be able to boot both

edit your /etc/lilo.conf. You can use the editor vi. Install vi if
not installed and type as root:

vi /etc/lilo.conf

To insert text into this file you need to type the i. Only after this
you can put new text into this lilo.conf file. If all is donne use
Escape to leave the insert modus. And with  :wq  you will write your
changes to hd and exit of vi.

This is my /etc/lilo.conf, written for Linux on first and Windows on
second drive:

# password=tatercounter2000
# message=/boot/bootmess.txt
vga=0x133     <---for biger letters in console you should set: vga=normal


        map-drive=0x80   <---This and the following lines will change your
        to=0x81              drive addresses for the BIOS, which can normally
        map-drive=0x81       only boot from first drive.

After you have modified your /etc/lilo.conf you have to type on console:


This will write your new configured Lilo into MBR. That's all!!

> Then I don't know what to do.  There's also a question I have about the
> video card detection.  It mentions it can scan the PCI...does this also mean
> it will check AGP(or is AGP also part of the PCI?)?

Yes! I also have an AGP card but the kernel tells me thomething about
PCI. This is ok.

> I need a tutorial on how to get Windows 2000(C:), to dual boot with Debian
> on a different physical drive(D:).

Hope my suggestions will be enough. It's very easy to boot more systems
with Lilo and you don't need much knowledge about this. 

> On a side note, anyone know of a Debian tutorial on setting up @HOME?  Just
> a brief walkthrough would be nice...

I can suggest you the book Debian GNU Linux Guide. You should get it in
all good book shops. And you can ask us more.

If you have not yet installed the debian packages manpages and man-db:
do it. For the example Lilo:

man lilo

will give you some more informations about this boot loader. And there
are much more man pages for all kommands, tools and so on.


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