On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 07:39:17AM -0600, LaGuardia, Kristofer S. wrote:
| Okay, I didn't install LILO to the MBR.  I did install it to the boot
| partition.  However, nothing came up at boot time.  Oh well, i will try
| again tonight...maybe I'm just missing something.  Where would I find cd
| images of "Woody"?  I am willing to give it a whirl.  If I can't find the
| images I might have to go back to Mandrake...shudder...

Grab ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/grub/grub-0.90-i386-pc.ext2fs and dump it
to a floppy disk.  Then you can boot with it.  If you like grub then I
can provide you with more details on configuring and installing it.
When booting grub provides you with a preconfigured menu (that is, you
configure it by ediing a file, this floppy image comes with a sample
config) and a command line so that you can try out various options and
see what works.  If you installed Linux on /dev/hda1 then you want to
have (hd0,0) as your root partition in grub's config.

You can dump the image to a floppy using

    dd if=grub-0.90-i386-pc.ext2fs of=/dev/fd0

or you can use rawwritewin if you have a windows system (it's much
better now since it has a gui).


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