On Fri, Sep 07, 2001 at 08:46:33AM -0400, Jason Healy wrote:
| Here at work I paved my Dell optiplex and put both Windows (cause I have to)
| and Debian (cause I want to) on it.
| I need a bootloader that understands USB, so I can pick which OS to boot.
| Right now I can't because the computer drops USB support after the BIOS, but
| before the bootloader.  Since I only have a USB keyboard, this is a problem.

Hmm, yeah, I guess that's the next killer feature for bootloaders.  I
wonder how hard it would be to port the basic usbkbd part of the Linux
kernel to GRUB.  I noticed this with this laptop at work, but
fortuanately for me the builtin keyboard works.  For now you can get a
keyboard for $0-$10 to stick in the PS2 port just for booting.  (I've
gotten some that were $10 - $10 rebate)


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