
Is there anybody who has tested success in reading, writing or
reading/writing CD's burnt using DIRECT CD software from Windows. The CD is
burnt in UDF format. 

I have compiled the kernel with UDF read support (as module). But when I
mount the CD after loading the udf module, I get the following :

total 414
-r-xr-xr-x    1 root     root           65 Dec 17  2000 autorun.inf
-r-xr-xr-x    1 root     root       421546 Dec 17  2000 udfrinst.exe

Why is it not reading the UDF file system ? What is the use of udf file
system support in the kernel ?

Thanks in advance.

ps.: With DIRECT CD use can just copy the files from one window to other.
Is this possible somehow in Linux. Means using simple cp command can some
files be backed up on this CD ?

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