On Sat, Sep 08, 2001 at 03:02:54PM -0700, Dean A. Roman wrote:
> For future reference, I was using an alias for the NS name in my
> database records.

yep, you can't use a CNAME for an NS record. like MX records, NS records
can only point at A records.

btw, i strongly recommend using a subdomain for dhcp-dns.

e.g. if your domain is example.com, then use pn.example.com ("pn" ==
"private network") or internal.example.com or whatever for dhcp-dns.

just configure bind to be master for the subdomain, configure dhcp-dns
to use it, and create an empty zonefile (an SOA record is all that is

that stops nsupdate from mangling your main zone file (it rewrites the
whole thing on every update, losing your formatting and comment lines

it also makes it impossible for any error to affect your main domain,
by isolating all dynamic updates to the subdomain.

i also recommend buying a copy of _DNS & Bind_ (pub. by O'Reilly)
and reading it from cover to cover before working on DNS stuff.  DNS
isn't difficult, but it is easy to make small mistakes that have huge
consequences. e.g. mis-using CNAME records as above is a very common


craig sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Fabricati Diem, PVNC.
 -- motto of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch

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