I'm new to debian and still feeling my way around. I have been following
discussions and Q&A's on this list for while, hoping to find answers to my
problems. Most of them I have been able to solve so far,sometime even with
help of hints found in this list.

  I have one particular problem I need help with and have not seen any
discusion about. Problem is Y2K related. My instalation was from flopies
and dates of instalation of files reflect wrong date. Since *nix relates
heavily on correct dates, I'm concerned, that some of my problems my have
root just in that.

  I use -badyear switch in hwclock to take care of it. Also had to change
-a switch to -A for depmod in /etc/init.d/modutils to update timestamp
for dependency file only if changes detected. Since modules are loaded at 
begining of boot-up script ahead of hwclock my solution to problem was 
not in effect yet. Loading of each of modules kept producing copious 
output of errors preventing to read anything else, until I found out that
I can see same in dmesg log.

  My querry is: does anyone know of a better sollution apart from obvious
one replacing bios? I have tried that, but local computer industry is not
interested in helping out anyone with old technology. At that time I was
using W95 and instalable driver which loaded ahead of everything else
solved it a lot cheaper.

  My second question is: how do you scroll a menu of fonts in xfontsel. It
shows as narrow window top to bottom of screen listing fonts a to f out of 
total of 1600 fonts. Manual doesn't mension it and there is no scrollbar.
Maybe I should mention that I'm using Enligtenment with gnome.

  Narrowing choices doesn't help as unavailable fonts are just grayed out.

  Thanks in advance  Mick.

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