On Sunday Sep 09 12:13 Craig Holyoak wrote:

> ** I'm having some strange behaviour with my mixer settings. I'm using gmix
> ** under gnome, and have it set to restore mixer settings on startup. This
> ** doesn't work - all sound levels are still set to zero. So I added gmix
> ** -i to my startup items, and now when I log in, I get an error message
> ** saying that either there is no mixer device or I don't have permission
> ** to access the mixer device, but I am a member of the audio group. After
> ** I've logged in though, I can open gmix and it sets all my levels
> ** properly.

I had a very similar problem. The reason of this two problems could be 
the same.

I also couln't start gmix and get the error message either i have no 
permission or there is no /dev/mixer. In my example it was Gnome that
was not set right for gmix. After i anabled sound server startup and
sound events in Gnome control center. I could use gmix without this
error message.

In your case i think the sound server of Gnome is not running in this
time while you use gmix- i as startup item. You should start gmix -i
after the sound server has started.

Why your gmix don't remember his settings is a riddle for my. Gmix
should do this if set in properties. My gmix does this.


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