On Monday 10 September 2001 06:13 pm, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> Some, but relatively few.  My own policy is:
>   - I don't like animated ads: handled with animation settings in Galeon.
>   - I don't like Java/Javascript ads:  disable both.
>   - I don't like ad demographics aggregatorss:  handled with both DNS
>     and junkbuster.

Yeah, I'd like to add major advertises to an iptables ruleset, but I am 
uncertain how to obtain all IP addresses owned by an organization.

> There are a number of other sites which have generally annoying ads, I
> filter these as well.
> I'm left with a small number of ads largely from smaller organizations.
> Some of which may actually be interesting.
> My PoV isn't that all advertising is evil (though the vast majority is),
> but that *evil* advertising is evil.  Push me hard enough, and I'll push
> back.
> > With WebWasher's dimension filtering, I never see ads, *ever*.  That's
> > pretty tough to beat.  When a new ad size is commissioned, I just add
> > it to the list and move on.
> >
> > Plus, the cookie handling is nice for sites I don't visit often, but
> > need to login to.  With Junkbuster I'd have to bust out my cookie
> > file, disable the proxy, let the site cookie me, then add an entry and
> > set it up as a read only cookie.  What a pain.
> Agreed.  I've been getting pushed harder to find something that will
> strip out crap HTML.  Specifically:
<snip list>
>   - Pixel-specified table and frameset widths.  These should generally
>     be specified as % of page, or simply allowed to fill available area.

D'oh.  I'm guilty of that in most of my pages.  I still run at 800, so 
anything that requires more than 640 annoys me to no end.

> ...and odd things elsewhere.
> What other webwasher type proxies are there out there?  I have a strong
> preference for free software.

I wish I knew, but someone else following this rather large thread might have 
some suggestions.  I'm curious myself.  (Just occurred to me that WebWasher 
could track my surfing habbits and such -- I haven't monitored for that.  
Scary thought.)

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