>On Thu, Sep 13, 2001 at 03:46:49PM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
>> "Greg Wiley" wrote:
>> > I don't use apcupsd but in order to get the machine to respond
>> > to poweroff, I must append "apm=on" to the kernel params on
>> > startup.  The kernel turns off power management by default even
>> > though it is compiled in.
>> He said the machine doesn't shut down, not that it doesn't power off.

True, it's that the apcupsd isn't even issuing a shutdown command at all let
along the machine powering off.
In fact, the apcupsd doesn't seem to be sending the apccontrol script the
correct parameter "doshutdown" for doing a shutdown.

>> > >    I am having a problem with apcupsd.  It won't shut the machine down.
>> I don't know what the problem could be.
>> Try another UPS daemon to see if it's a apcupsd problem or an
>> init (or sysvinit) problem.

>I've had a similar problem. Switched to nut, and that seems to be
>working just fine for me. I have a Smart-UPS 620 with smart cable.

I haven't received any reply from the apcupsd debian developer.
Does anyone know if he still works on this package?
I also haven't found anyone using Debian that has this package working.
Was it ever tested to work with Debian?

I'll try nut and see what happens.

   ---Dean Roman.

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