is there a known problem with the kernel-2.4.9 and ide zip drives?

i have this ide zip drives which i can use without problems with the
stock kernel that comes with debian2.2r0.  as soon as i updated the
kernel to 2.4.9 i'm getting this during boot:

ide-floppy driver 0.97
hdd: No disk in drive
hdd: 98304kB, 96/64/32 CHS, 4096 kBps, 512 sector size, 2941 rpm
ide-floppy: hdd: I/O error, pc = 5a, key =  5, asc = 24, ascq =  0

the last message also appears if i compile the ide-floppy driver as a
module whenever i do a "mount -t ext2 /dev/hdd1 /zip".  i have emailed
the author of the driver but it hasn't responded.  most probably
busy.  anyway, i've run out of option as to what to do so i'm
presenting it to the list hoping for some directions or answer.

thank you.

"In is out and out is in.  But out is out and in is in."
        -- Pumbaa

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