Did you ever trace those pins? They go nowhere! After many years in
the business, I have never found any equipment where ALL these were
implemented for anything.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lazar Fleysher) writes:

> Hello everybody!
> Most probably this is a strange question but I thought maybe some one
> knows the answer...
> As far as I understand a regular 25 pin serial port has 2 serial ports
> built-in on one chip. All serial lines which are needed for most
> communitcation devices (TxD RTS DTR RxD CTS DSR DCD RI) are doubled!
> The secondary ones are almost completely specified by the RS232
> (STxD SRTS SDTR SRxD SCTS SDCD) one would need to choose SDSR and SRI and
> I think that is possible with some pins left.
> With that, it implyes that it is possible to operate 2 serial devices on a
> single serial port prived there is driver support for it and one will have
> to build a cable-splitter to split primary and secondary serial lines to
> go to separate devices.
> That are your thoughts?
> Are there any resticions in the way the data is stored inside the serial
> port itself? 

*  For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*  that whoever believes in Him should not perish...    John 3:16  *

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