Martin Schulze saw fit to inform me that: 
>Overclocking Tips. Rajesh Fowkar is looking for advice on
>[13]overclocking an Asus motherboard and Celeron CPU. Seems that the
>machine has some issues with compiling a kernel.

Thanks Martin for highlighting my problem in the Debian Weekly News. I got
the reply from a New Zealand distributor of ASUS regarding problems for
that make of the motherboard.

This might be helpful to some of the folks on debian-user hence CC'ing this
copy there too.

Here is Dave's reply :


There was mention of your overclocking question the the Debian Weekly

I work for the New Zealand Distributor of Asus and the P3C-2000 was
recalled. If memory serves it has the Intel 820 chipset with the MTH
(Memory Translator Hub). There was a severe bug in the MTH the causes
memory corruption. I'm very surprised you haven't noticed it already as it
was quite bad. The MTH is the translator chip that coverts the RAMBUS
signals that the chipset talks, into SDRAM signals so standard SDRAM can be

As far as I know the P3C-2000 was the only board that has the MTH soldered
onto the board. All other Asus 820 Chipset boards has riser cards and Intel
replaced all of those with Rambus memory instead (removing the MTH from the
equation). But in the case of the P3C-2000 the board had to be replaced. At
the time we were using a VIA based Asus board to replace them with but I
would imagine an Intel 815 Chipset board would be more relevant now. My
only concern is that the board may have fallen out of warranty. If not give
the place a call that you bought the board from. If they are of no help try
emailing Asus directly

Hope this helps


Warm Regards

Rajesh    *****  Powered By: Debian GNU/Linux
Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can read.
                -- Mark Twain

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