On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 09:01:45AM -0500, DvB wrote:
> oivvio polite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Well not exactly dominating. Maybe not secretly either. But it sounded good.
> > This oneliner from the department of utterly useless info tells it all:
> > 
> > agrep "^User-Agent: ,^X-Mailer: " user|perl -ne 'chomp;/.+?: 
> > (.?.?.?[^\d,\(,\[,\/]{1,14}).*/; $o=$1; $o=~s/ //g;print "$o\n";'|sort|uniq 
> > -dc|sort -rn 
> > 
> I believe you can find Pine users by looking at the MessageID (Pine
> doesn't appear to set X-Mailer or User-Agent).

Also, a more fair count would associate senders with user-agents ...
if I send 100 emails with mutt, and 10 other users send 10 emails each
with Outlook, which is more popular?  (From a number of users
standpoint, Outlook should be the answer).  Your script doesn't account
for this.

Yeah, I know it was all for fun :)

Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd.                 | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

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