on Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 02:30:25PM -0700, Lazar Fleysher ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Hello everybody
> earlier today Ihave posted a message about problems configuring network
> card.
> Basically the situation is that the computer does not see the network

Please set your linewrap to something sane.

> however, if someone pings my computer I see number of receive errors
> increase as reported by ifconfig If I try to ping other computer, I
> see number of transmit error increase
> I also see that number of interrupts serviced increases as some pings
> me or I ping someone (from /proc/interrupts)
> It seems to me that the card itself is working (and it works underwin)
> but Iwant and need linux!!!
> Could someone tell me what is going on? and how to fix it ?

Take a look at the Network Administrator's Guide (Google will provide)
and work through the chapters on basic Ethernet configuration.  If you
can't get it working, follow the diagnostic steps and post relevent
commands and output.

If that fails, find a local user or installfest.  You're not describing
your problems well enough to provide useful guidance.

I'd very strongly recommend you read the following excellent essay by
Simon Tatham, "How to Report Bugs Effectively"


Please note that you are the person in the best position to know what
you're trying to do, what you've done, how the system's responded, and
generally how it's configured.  It's very helpful if you can post:

  - *Exact* commands or steps tried.
  - *Exact* error output or log messages.

Often, entering the error messages into a good search engine such as
Google (http://www.google.com/) will help set you on the road to
resolving your problems.

While others can offer suggestions, guidance, and experience, we cannot
see into either your mind or your machine's state.  This is very much a
case of "you have to help us help you".

Good luck.

Thank you.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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