i used to have this working like a champ, but now it folds its
arms and laughs and evil laugh--

we're trying to establish port forwarding so that a box internal
on our lan ( can serve requests through the
firewall, from 'out there'.

        # ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L [PUBLIC_IP] 7890 -R 80

        # ipmasqadm portfw -ln
        prot localaddr        rediraddr       lport    rport pcnt  pref
        TCP  [PUBLIC_IP]     7890     80    10    10

well, it LOOKS like it's up, but--

        # nmap [PUBLIC_IP] -p 7890

        Starting nmap V. 2.12 by Fyodor ([EMAIL PROTECTED], 
        No ports open for host server ([public_ip])
        Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0 seconds

which is bolstered by the fact that if i try to connect to
public port :7890 from outside (that is, from a public ip out on
the internet, trying to connect to port :7890 on my public ip
address) i get deafening silence (unable to connect to host).

is there another step i've forgotten? i'm on potato 2.2.17 and
this was working earlier...

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