On Tue, 25 Sep 2001, Julio Merino wrote:

> Hi all
> I'm seeing several messages about ext3 nowadays... for example this thread
> about Ext3 on Install...
> I've seen it also in IRC, and some webpages...
> Can it be considered some "stable" now? Or what's happening?
> Thanks.
> BTW: I'm currently using ext2, and I don't switch to resierfs because
> freebsd can't access it nor partitionmagic. I hope that with ext3
> these problems will go away, isn't it?

An ext3 filesystem can be mounted, read, and written by a system that
understands ext2, as long as the ext3 filesystem is clean and was normally

As far as stability, 0.9.6 has given me no problems, but I also haven't
exercised it that much.  There have been a few troubles with 0.9.9.  I
wouldn't touch 0.9.9 + Linux 2.4.10 with a 10-foot stick: major VM changes
+ new filesystem == bad ju ju.


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