On Tue, Sep 25, 2001 at 08:49:50PM -0400, Stephen Gran wrote:
| Thus spake Matthew Dalton:
| > dman wrote:
| > > 
| > > Ditto for vim.
| > > 
| > > See ":help textwidth" and ":help formatoptions" for more details.  For
| > > writing mails (such as this) I use ":set tw=70 fo=tcq".  (BTW this can
| > > be added to the .vimrc and executed automatically or it can be typed
| > > as shown.)
| > 
| > You can also set options for individual files in vim by including a line
| > like 'vi: textwidth=72' in the file.
| This works great for me (I had exactly this question a little while ago,
| and some kind soul passed it on:
| set editor="vim -c 'set textwidth=72'

While that is functional, I prefer to set editor to 'vim' in the
mailer and have the following in my .vimrc

augroup Mail
    au FileType mail set tw=70 fo=tcrq
    au FileType mail set comments+=n:\|
augroup END

Even if I change mailers I'll still get the settings.


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