* Peter Christensen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I'm still learning Debian-Linux, was so pleased that apt-get worked.  It
> took 12 hours (!), but afterward Mozilla was finally working, so now I
> have internet access.
> After the apt-get dist-upgrade I got a message saying that I must
> upgrade the kernel.  Current is 2.0.36, need at least 2.2.12.
> Compiling the kernel looks like it will be tough for a beginner.  (I
> checked out some of the instructions on the Debian website.)  
> So here's my question:  I'm sure I'll make a mistake if I compile the
> kernel, so I want to have a fresh set of Debian CDs.  According to the
> Debian website Cheapbytes sells a "vendor release" and a "custom
> release."  Linux-CD.com sells the "official release."  Does it make a
> difference which I buy?  (Both sell the 2.2r3 release.)
> Thanks,
> Peter


 Why are you afraid of making a mistake while compiling a new kernel? 
Download Linus' kernel source from kernel.org. Do your:
#make-kpkg clean
#make xconfig
/*Try your best at selecting the right config options*/
#make-kpkg --revision peter.01 kernel_image
#dpkg -i kernel-image-2.4.9_peter.01_i386.deb
/*or whatever kernel source you'll download from kernel.org*/
#lilo -v 
/*make sure no errors pop up there*/
/*be happy, OR*/
Reboot and choose "vmlinuz.old" or whatever name LILO gives to your 2.0
kernel image and you'll be back where you started before the kernel
compile. Then
#dpkg -P kernel-image-2.4.9
/*restart the cycle with make-kpkg clean, etc., but use a different
revision number.  This way never failed me in my worst days of finding
the right kernel config options for my old laptop. Make sure you are not
trying to install another copy of recompiled kernel with dpkg over the
faulty one as the LILO will place "/vmlinuz.old" link to the faulty
kernel, and not the 2.0 one you have working. I usually manually
recreate the right link and rerun lilo, but am not sure this is the
right way (tm).*/


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