* Christopher S. Swingley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thus:
> Hi!
> I've been happily using mutt for several years now, and I've currently
> got 415 mbox files (mutt folders) in my ~/Mail directory, consuming
> 40 MB of space.  In the past when my Mail directory got too large,
> I've gone through and deleted the mbox files that I knew I wouldn't
> want in the future.
> It seems like there must be a better way.  I picture some sort
> of script / program that parses each of your mbox files, looking
> for messages that are older than a certain date, and moving these
> message into a seperate mbox file that could be compressed, deleted,
> or parsed seperately.

procmail / formail should be helpfull in such a script, maybe with a
specialised procmailrc just for that purpose. 

I have thought of something like this myself, but I prefer instead to
have procmail splitting my emails in folders that have names on the form
~/Mail/lists/debian-user-2001-September automagically. 


Registered Linux User 107343

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