On Thu, Sep 27, 2001 at 07:12:17AM +0000, Yuwen Dai wrote:
> Hi, All
> I'm new to Debian but not new to Linux.  I find there're many packages in 
> Debian.  I'm confused.  In what situation should I choose one?

Dpkg is the program that actually installs/removes packages; the other
programs just use dpkg for you.

You would want to use dpkg directly if you already have a package
downloaded to your hard drive (or created by you), and you know it
either has no dependencies or that its dependencies are already
installed.  Then you just type "dpkg -i filename" to install it.  Dpkg
also provides many ways to get information on packages; look at the man

Apt and dselect are two separate tools which use dpkg for you and
automatically handle dependencies.  If you try to install a package,
they will automatically also install anything the package depends on.
Ironically, most people find the command-line program--apt--more
user-friendly and easier to deal with than the (console-based) GUI prog,
dselect.  Dselect is harder to get used to, but IMO learning it is

Thomas J. Hamman
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
without accepting it."

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